fl, ob, cl, bsn — hn, tpt, tbn — kbd — perc — vln, vla, vc, cb — electronics
duration: 13'
first performance: May 6, 2008, at Merkin Concert Hall by the Manhattan Sinfonietta led by Jeffrey Milarsky.
vla, tbn, perc
duration: 9'
first performance: August 18, 2006, Killkenny Arts Festival, Kilkenny, Ireland by Argento Chamber Ensemble members Stephanie Griffin, viola, Tim Albright, trombone, and Matt Ward, percussion.
score (pdf, complete)
Signals (2004)
piano quintet, electronics
duration: 16'
first performance: April 14, 2004, at Merkin Concert Hall; Miranda Cuckson and Calvin Wiersma, violins, Lois Martin, viola, Michael Finckel, cello, Eric Huebner, piano, and Michel Galante, conductor.
ob, cl, vn, vc, pno
duration: 9'
Commissioned by the New York Youth Symphony and completed in August 2001 while at the Aspen Music Festival.
first performance: April 16, 2002 at Weill Recital Hall at Carnegie Hall by members of the New York Youth Symphony Chamber Music Program, Todd Tarantino conducting.
This recording from a live performance held at Tenri on November 23, 2002.
score sample (pdf)
1706° F (1999–2000)
fl/picc, cl, vn, vc, pno, perc, electronics
duration: 8'
Begun in December 1999 and completed November 2000.
first performance: November 11, 2000 by the University of Illinois New Music Ensemble in Urbana, Illinois.
horn and piano
duration: 9'
Begun July 1999 and completed in January 2000.
first performance: March 7, 2000 in Urbana, Illinois by Wayne Lu, horn and David Psenicka, piano.
2 fl, 2 ob, 2 cl, 1 bsn — 1 hn, 2 tpt, 1 bs tbn — 2 perc — 3 vln, 3 vla, 2 vc, 1 cb
duration: 6'
Begun March 2000 and completed June 2000.
Read by the Orchestre Lyrique de Région Avigonon-Provence in July 2000 in Avignon, France.